Thursday, November 9, 2017

Teach With VIPKID . . .Finally a Way for Teachers to Make Extra Money!

I taught kindergarten in public schools until my oldest son was 1. After that, it just didn't make sense to pay for daycare given my salary. I'm always certified, and plan on going back to the job someday, but I have been searching for something I can do to earn a little extra money. My sister is a nurse and she works night shifts. "Too bad I can't be a teacher in the middle of the night," was became my tagline when talking about teaching right now. Well guess what, it's not a joke anymore. Now, I teach English online to kids in China, and I love it! I'm in charge of my own schedule, so if something comes up, I just don't schedule to teach. Usually my kids are sleeping, I'm in cozy pants, and I'm making what I think is an awesome wage for a part time teacher.

I can help you get hired, too. The interview process can be a little daunting, but with some coaching, you'll fly through. All you need is a bachelor's degree or higher (in any field), and some experience teaching kids. It can be volunteer, church, anything. Click the link and I'll help you through the process! The journey begins by clicking here!

Teach With VIPKID . . .Finally a Way for Teachers to Make Extra Money!

I taught kindergarten in public schools until my oldest son was 1. After that, it just didn't make sense to pay for daycare given my sal...